When do Dominique's chickens start laying?
Chicken Breeds

When do Dominique’s chickens start laying?

A Dominique chicken will typically start laying eggs at around six months old, or 22-24 weeks. These eggs will be on the smaller side at first but will quickly get more extensive and reach the medium-large size.


What is the egg-laying capacity of Dominique Chickens?

Dominique Chickens lay between 230-260 eggs per year. The Dominique hen makes ~4–5 eggs per week. That’s enough for a good layer. They take ~24–26 hours to complete and lay an egg, so they’re not taking too much time off.

Try the Rhode Island Red or California White chicken if you want many eggs. They can make up to 300 eggs in a year. The number of eggs a chicken lays can vary a lot. Don’t worry if the Dominique chicken is laying more or less than the average.

What Color does a Dominique Chicken lay the Eggs?

Dominiques lay light brown eggs like you would find in stores and supermarkets.

It’s unlikely that store-bought eggs come from Dominique hens. Getting eggs from ISA Browns, which are productive layers, is more economical.

What is the Length of Time that Dominique’s Chickens Lay Eggs?

Dominique chickens are known for being long-lived. On average, they live 6–8 years. This is longer than the standard backyard breed, so that they can lay eggs for a while.

The most money can be made from an egg-laying Dominique hen in its first two years, after which its egg production will drop by 10% each year until it stops laying eggs at age five.

Is Dominique Chicken an Ideal Option for a Backyard Breed?

I like Dominiques, but I’m sure anyone who’s kept them would say the same thing. They’re suitable for farms and small or large homes.

Dominiqes are suitable for new chicken keepers. They’re tough, not likely to get sick, and don’t need anything special except good food, water, and space to roam. They give lots of eggs, and it’s fun!

Here are some facts and information about the Dominique breed of chicken.

  • The origin and history of the Dominique chicken are still being researched, but it is believed to be one of the oldest breeds in America.
  • It is said that the Pilgrims brought them, which could explain why they were called ‘Pilgrim fowl.’ Alternatively, many think they began in the French colony of Saint Dominique, now known as Haiti.
  • Barred Rocks and Dominiques are similar, but there are substantial differences. For example, Barred Rocks have parallel barrings, whereas Dominiques have staggered striping.
  • These birds are calm and like human contact. They are independent and hardy, like typical dual-purpose breeds.

Why We Like This Breed

  • Dominiques have an even-tempered nature, making them ideal as family companions.
  • They require little maintenance.
  • They are quiet, so they work well in rural and suburban areas.
  • They’re fashionable and eye-catching with black and white barred plumage.
  • She is a dual-purpose breed with a highly productive egg layer and provides meat and dairy products.


If you’re curious about acquiring Dominique chickens, you’re likely wondering when they will begin producing eggs. The response is contingent on several variables; however, on average, the hens will start laying eggs at around six months.

Even in the most adverse circumstances, they will start egg-laying once they reach a more mature age.

If you need to be in a better environment for egg-laying, you may have to be patient until your hens start producing eggs.

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Mateo William
Mateo William: As the CEO and Co-founder, Mateo possesses strong leadership, business planning, and PR skills. Mateo has completed his Poultry Farming Education from Auburn University. He started farming chickens when he was just a young boy, and he’s been doing it ever since.

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