When Do Ameraucana Chickens Start Laying?
Chicken Breeds

When Do Ameraucana Chickens Start Laying?

Ameraucana chickens are extraordinary for the backyard because they are cold, hardy, friendly, and lay beautiful blue eggs. But we often get asked when Ameraucana chickens start laying.


There’s no set answer, but it depends on many factors, like the breed characteristics, health & care regime provided to each bird, and how early signs of laying are noticed.

Knowing what signs to look for will help you anticipate when your birds could start producing those coveted blue eggs. Read on to learn more about when Ameraucana chickens start laying.

When Do Ameraucana Chickens Start Laying?

Ameraucana chickens are known for their vibrant blue eggs, making them ideal backyard chickens. Their friendly disposition makes them a suitable choice, though.

Ameraucana chickens usually start laying eggs around 25 to 30 weeks old. However, this can vary slightly based on nutrition, environment, and overall health.

To ensure the hens start laying as expected, provide a balanced diet and a stress-free environment. Check the hens’ health regularly to detect and address potential issues early.

What color eggs do Ameraucana lay?

Ameraucana chickens are famous for their blue egg color. They’re different from most chicken breeds, which usually lay white or brown eggs. Ameraucana chickens lay blue eggs, which are as nutritious and delicious as others.

Ameraucana eggs are blue because of a genetic trait. Like other egg colors, it’s not influenced by the hen’s diet or environment. This trait is consistent, meaning that Ameraucana hens always lay blue eggs.

The eggs are blue, but the color can vary. Some Ameraucanas lay sky-blue eggs, while others produce more robust, deeper blue eggs. Regardless of the shade, the blue eggs add to the appeal of raising Ameraucana chickens.

How long does Ameraucana lays egg?

Ameraucana hens, like many chicken breeds, have a productive laying period that typically spans several years. They usually maintain a steady output of eggs for at least 2 to 3 years after they begin laying. 

However, each year after the first, egg production will drop slightly. This is because of factors like how well hens are cared for, how well they’re fed, and how stress-free their environment is.

Factors Influencing Egg Laying

Several factors can influence when an Ameraucana hen begins to lay eggs:

  1. Light Exposure: Chickens need about 14–16 hours of daylight to make eggs. If there’s less daylight, they won’t start laying until later.
  2. Diet: Chicks need a good diet of protein and calcium to produce eggs. If the diet is inadequate, the eggs won’t come out.
  3. Stress: Like humans, chickens can be stressed and have problems with egg production. A calm, safe environment is vital for their well-being.

Optimizing Egg Production

Follow these guidelines to ensure a healthy laying cycle:

  • Provide Adequate Light: Add artificial light to their coop if daylight hours are short.
  • Offer a Balanced Diet: Feed your chickens a calcium- and protein-rich diet.
  • Create a Stress-Free Environment: Give them a clean, safe, and quiet coop. Avoid sudden changes to their routine or environment.

Routine Health Checks

Regular health checks are essential for optimizing egg production. Ameraucana chickens, like other poultry, are susceptible to various illnesses and parasites that can affect their laying ability.

Routine health checks for your chickens could include checking for common chicken diseases, parasites, and signs of distress or abnormal behavior. Providing preventative care, such as vaccinations, could also be beneficial.

Winter Laying

In the winter, egg production can stop or slow down. This is because it’s cold and there’s less daylight. But you can help encourage winter laying by providing supplemental light and warming the coop.


Why are my Ameraucanas not laying eggs?

There are several reasons your Ameraucanas might need to be laying eggs. The most common are stress, insufficient light, and inadequate diet. If you can fix these issues, you will increase the chance of your Ameraucanas laying eggs.

How often do Ameraucanas lay eggs?

Ameraucanas lay three to four eggs per week, which is medium compared to other species. However, this may change based on their health, diet, and environment. You can help by checking them regularly and caring for them well.

Do Ameraucana chickens always lay blue eggs?

Ameraucana chickens always lay blue eggs. This is because they have a gene that makes their eggs blue no matter what. The shade of blue can change, but the eggs will always be blue.


The Ameraucana breed of chicken is an ideal choice for poultry owners due to its friendly personality and capability to lay eggs, featuring a unique blue hue. Not only are these eggs interesting to look at, but they are also packed with essential nutrients.

If the chickens are given proper upkeep, and the owner is aware of the factors that influence egg production, it can be a gratifying and enjoyable experience.

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Mateo William
Mateo William: As the CEO and Co-founder, Mateo possesses strong leadership, business planning, and PR skills. Mateo has completed his Poultry Farming Education from Auburn University. He started farming chickens when he was just a young boy, and he’s been doing it ever since.

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