What is a group of chickens called?
Common Question

What is a group of chickens called?

In the animal kingdom, we often come across unique terms to describe groups of animals, but did you know that even chickens have a specific time for their group? 


In this article, we will focus on the agricultural world of chickens and deeply dive into the term used to describe a group of these fascinating birds.

What is a group of chickens called?

Chickens are social creatures who thrive in groups. They begin forming groups even before they hatch. When discussing a group of chickens, the term used is a flock. However, this term isn’t limited to chickens alone, as it applies to other bird species.

A flock of chickens goes beyond merely being an assembly of birds; it’s a complex social structure where each bird plays a specific role. Sounds interesting? Let’s break it down further.

The Pecking Order

Within a flock, there’s a hierarchy known as the pecking order. Each bird in the group has a specific rank, which determines its access to food, nesting spaces, and roosting spots. The bird at the top of the pecking order enjoys several privileges and is least likely to be pecked by other birds, while those at the bottom are more prone to getting pecked and bullied.

Roles within the Flock

In a flock of chickens, there are various roles that the birds can assume. These roles can vary depending on the individual bird’s traits and characteristics. Here are some of the typical roles typically found within a flock:

1.    The Dominant Hen: As the name suggests, this is the hen at the top of the pecking order. She is usually the oldest and most experienced and maintains order within the flock.

2.    The Rooster: The rooster serves as the flock’s protector, alerting others to danger and fending threats. In addition, the rooster plays a role in the reproduction process.

3.    Subordinate Hens: These hens follow the lead of the dominant hen and help maintain the social order within the flock.

4.    The Broody Hen: When a hen becomes broody, she is focused on incubating eggs and raising the chicks. The broody hen stays in the nest box and protects her eggs, ensuring their safety and warmth.

Fun Fact: Chickens Can Count!

It’s true! A study by researchers at the University of Padova found that chickens possess basic numerical skills. In the survey, chicks demonstrated the ability to distinguish between groups with different quantities and perform basic arithmetic. So, when it comes to keeping track of the flock, chickens may have more numerical ability than we initially thought.

Frequently Asked Question

What is a clutch of hens?

A “clutch” refers to a group of hens or the collection of eggs that a hen lays before she begins to incubate them. Essentially, it’s the number of eggs that a chicken, or any bird, is incubating at one time. The term “clutch” is also used to describe the act of holding these eggs under the body for warmth and protection.

Is it a herd of chickens?

A collective of chickens is commonly referred to as a flock. The term “flock” is frequently used to describe a group of birds. While no specific word is dedicated to a group of chickens, it is worth noting that a gathering of chicks, or baby chickens, can be called a brood or a peep of chicks.

What is a gaggle of chickens?

A group of chickens is commonly referred to as a flock. While there are clever collective names for other groups of animals, such as a murder of crows or a gaggle of geese, there is no specific term for a group of chickens.


No matter how you look, a flock of chickens is a mesmerizing social structure. With a well-defined pecking order and unique roles for each bird, it’s a perfect example of animals working together as a cohesive unit.

And, as we discovered, even the simple act of counting chickens becomes fascinating when you take a closer look at their incredible abilities. So, the next time you come across a group of these fantastic birds, appreciate the fascinating world of the chicken flock.

Mateo William
Mateo William: As the CEO and Co-founder, Mateo possesses strong leadership, business planning, and PR skills. Mateo has completed his Poultry Farming Education from Auburn University. He started farming chickens when he was just a young boy, and he’s been doing it ever since.

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