What Color Eggs Do Cochins Lay?
Chicken Breeds

What Color Eggs Do Cochins Lay?

The eggs produced by Cochins are generally brown and vary in size between medium and large. They are not renowned for their egg-laying capabilities, with a Cochin hen making almost 150-180 eggs in 1 year before stopping production after only two or three years.


What is the Breed History of Cochins?

  • This particular breed of chicken is extremely attractive. It was indeed a suitable choice to be given as a present to royalty!
  • When Captain Edward Belcher arrived in England from China in the 1800s, he thought the perfect gift for Queen Victoria would be something from his journey, and he was correct.
  • When the queen laid eyes on the Cochin China Fowl, she was enamored and gave it the name National Geographic tells us. This caused a stir throughout the British Isles, Hen Fever, so to say, and even crossed the ocean to the Americas when it was displayed at the Boston Poultry Show of 1849.
  • Maybe not ALL backyards, but many had at least one exotic Cochin!

At what age does Cochin start laying eggs?

If you’re looking for a flock producing many eggs, Cochins may not be for you. Since they mature slowly, hens usually start laying at eight to nine months old.

Cochins lay only 150-180 eggs per year. Their eggs are light brown and large. They’re also great chicken parents.

Cochin hens are known for quickly going broody and will willingly hatch eggs they aren’t laying. Purchasing a Cochin hen or two may be worthwhile if you raise a non-broody breed.

At what age are Cochin chickens ready for meat?

Cochin can be used as meat chickens, but they’re tough and have dark meat. If they’re 12 months old, they’re suitable for the dinner table.

Some may not like the texture or flavor; others find it delightful.

What is the life span of Cochin chickens?

Given the proper care, such as nutritious feed, a warm and secure chicken coop, and appropriate vet attention, Cochins can live for a long time. They make great pets and, with the proper care, can live between 5-8 years.

What is the Size and Weight of Cochin chickens?

Cochin is a large breed of chicken that is very large and heavy. They are around 6 to 8.5 pounds in weight when they are fully grown.

Due to the chicken’s bulky size, they cannot fly well, making them vulnerable to predators. Therefore, ensuring that chickens are kept in a secure area is crucial.

What is the Color of Cochin chickens?

Cochins are identifiable by their bright red comb, wattles, ears, and golden yellow eyes.

Cochin’s beaks depend on their birds’ colors. Their horns are yellow or black, and their skins are yellow, and so are their legs and toes.

What is the Purpose of Cochin chickens?

If you’re looking for a beautiful bird or a meat chicken, Cochins can satisfy your requirements. However, depending on your area, they can be fussy about their habitat.

These hefty females have a prodigious appetite. Provided they have enough food, they won’t be a nuisance. They are more than satisfied to eat anything they can get their beaks on.

How to Feed a Cochin Chicken?

Chicks require a high-protein starter feed with a minimum of 20% protein.

Once they reach the age of laying (16-20 weeks), begin moving them to a 16% protein layer feed. This is ideal for them all year round, but increase the protein to 20% during the molt to aid in their rapid regrowth of feathers.

What are the Health issues of a Cochin chicken?

Cochins are strong and don’t get sick. Their toes can freeze, so keep them clean and dry and use sand in their run. Lice or mites can be a problem, so a fecal float test is a good idea. Worms can be a problem, so a fecal float test is suitable if your chickens seem weak or inactive.

Some interesting facts about this breed?

  • The breed makes eggs that are medium to large and brown.
  • Cochin hens do not usually lay eggs, but they will during the winter.
  • Many colors include buff, partridge, white, black, blue, and cuckoo.
  • Cochin chickens are well-known for their fancy feathers.
  • They have a big appetite and might become overweight.


There are better choices than the Cochin for getting eggs. The Golden Laced Wyandotte is a better option.

If you are looking for a hen that is an excellent egg-sitter, then this is the hen for you.

She will be a good mother and foster chicks from other hens. They don’t care about whose chicks they raise. Cochins will take care of ducklings, guinea fowl, and goslings too.

It is an excellent choice for a chicken if you consider getting a Cochin as a pet or companion.

They are good pets because they like to be held and cuddled.

Mateo William
Mateo William: As the CEO and Co-founder, Mateo possesses strong leadership, business planning, and PR skills. Mateo has completed his Poultry Farming Education from Auburn University. He started farming chickens when he was just a young boy, and he’s been doing it ever since.

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