When Can Chicks Have Mealworms?

When Can Chicks Have Mealworms?

For many backyard chicken-keeping enthusiasts, one of the biggest questions they have when starting is: when can my chicks safely start to eat mealworms? While it’s a common practice for many to feed their chickens these tiny morsels, there are some essential things to consider before making them part of your flock’s diet.  “>   […]

When Do Easter Eggers Start Laying Eggs?
Chicken Breeds

When Do Easter Eggers Start Laying Eggs? Signs & Egg Quantity

  “> Easter Egger chickens are a fascinating and sought-after variety known for their unique and colorful eggs. They are not a standardized breed like Ameraucanas or Araucanas but a mixed-breed variety that inherits the “colorful egg” gene. This results in Easter Eggers possessing exceptional egg-laying capabilities, producing eggs in diverse colors.   The eggs laid by Easter Eggers […]