How We Work

How We Work at Backyard Clucking Pvt. Ltd Farms .

At Backyardclucking, we pride ourselves on our commitment to the welfare of the birds in our care. Our team consists of highly skilled stockmen and women who work tirelessly to ensure that our chickens are grown in the best possible conditions. Here’s a look into how we work to achieve this.


Team Collaboration and Constant Monitoring

Our staff works closely together and employs state-of-the-art sensors to constantly monitor the conditions inside our sheds. This allows us to maintain optimal temperature, light, and CO2 levels, ensuring that our birds are always comfortable and healthy.

Ongoing Maintenance and Bird Welfare Enhancements

We invest significantly in the maintenance of our sheds and have recently carried out renovations to improve bird welfare. These improvements include:

  • The addition of perches and welfare equipment to promote cognitive enrichment and natural behaviors.
  • The installation of windows to provide natural light for improved well-being.

Compliance with Assured Chicken Standards

All our 3 farms maintain a high health status and strict biosecurity measures to guarantee the healthy output of our birds.

Quality Nutrition for Balanced Diet and Development

We are committed to providing our birds with the best possible nutrition. Our compound feed consists mainly of soya and wheat and is specially formulated to provide all the nutrients required for a balanced diet and healthy development.

By combining our dedication to bird welfare, our knowledgeable and skilled staff, and our commitment to continuous improvement, we at Backyardclucking work together to ensure the highest quality standards in poultry farming.