How Old Are Chicks At Tractor Supply?

How Old Are Chicks At Tractor Supply?

You might have wondered how old the chicks at your local Tractor Supply store are. Buying baby chickens is exciting, but it’s also a big responsibility. Age is important when deciding if you can raise happy, healthy chickens.


Fortunately, we’re here to help answer this question—Keep reading to find out when chick season starts at Tractor Supply Co. and what age the chicks are!

Understanding the Age and Size of Chicks at Tractor Supply

Tractor Supply’s chicks are between a few days and a week old. They hatch and ship to the store to be young and ready to start their new lives at your home or farm.

Remember that age can vary; you should ask the store for the most accurate information. Their care needs change as chicks grow, so knowing their age helps you prepare.

Remember, it’s a commitment to raise chicks. They will grow into full-sized chickens that require space, care, and attention. But you get fresh eggs, natural pest control, and the joy of caring for these delightful animals.

You can also know How Old Are Chicks When You Buy Them?

What You Need to Know Before Buying Chicks at Tractor Supply

Consider your ability to provide for your chicks’ needs before buying them from Tractor Supply. You’ll need specialized feed, a safe and warm space for them to live in, and the ability to maintain their health.

Tractor Supply offers chicken feed, bedding, and coops. However, as the chicks grow, their needs and the cost of their upkeep will increase.

Lastly, remember that chicks are living beings. Be kind and respectful, provide them with a natural and comfortable life, and make sure they have enough space to roam.

Different Breeds and Types of Chickens Sold at Tractor Supply

Tractor Supply sells different chicken breeds with different requirements. Some, like the Rhode Island Red or Plymouth Rock, are good at laying eggs, while others, like the Orpington or Silkie, are known for being nice.

When choosing a breed, think about your needs and environment. Each breed has different needs, such as care, housing, and feeding, depending on your climate, space, and purpose for raising chickens.

Feeding Requirements for Chicks at Tractor Supply

Feeding chicks takes work. They need a balanced diet with essential nutrients to grow healthy. The feed must be age-appropriate, as chicks, growers, and layers have different nutritional needs.

Tractor Supply Co. offers chick starters, grower feeds, and layer feeds. Newly hatched chicks need chick starters. As the chicks mature, you must transition them to grower and layer feeds.

Housing Requirements for Chicks Sold at Tractor Supply

  • Chick housing should be secure, ventilated, and large enough to hold the growing birds without crowding.
  • It should also protect people from predators and bad weather.
  • The housing should have a heat source, like a heat lamp, to keep the chicks warm. Especially during their early weeks of life, the chicks need warm temperatures.
  • Cleanliness is vital; clean and disinfect the housing regularly to prevent diseases and keep the environment healthy for the chicks.

Vaccination Recommendations for Chicks Purchased from Tractor Supply

Some chicks sold at Tractor Supply are vaccinated against poultry diseases. But this is only sometimes the case. It would be best if you asked about the vaccinations before you buy.

This information is necessary to avoid introducing disease to an existing flock or leaving your new birds unprotected. Be aware that certain vaccinations need to be given at particular stages of development, so it’s important to follow the correct schedule. Consulting with a local veterinarian can help you determine the best vaccination schedule and procedure.


How old are my baby chicks from Tractor Supply?

Your baby chicks from Tractor Supply are typically a few days to a week old when they arrive at the store. For the most accurate information, always consult directly with the shop staff. Raising these chicks into healthy chickens requires proper care, attention, and a suitable environment.

How can you tell how old a baby chick is?

Telling the age of a baby chick can be challenging, but there are a few indicators. These include the development of their feathers, size, and behaviors. However, consult a veterinarian or a seasoned poultry farmer for the most accurate age determination.

What do 4 week old chicks look like?

By 4 weeks, chicks lose fluff and start growing real feathers. They may be more active and start to show independence. Their size will have increased since hatching. They will continue to grow rapidly.


Raising chicks from Tractor Supply is rewarding but requires planning, commitment, and understanding of their needs. You can ensure your chicks grow into healthy, productive chickens by choosing the right breed and providing proper feed, secure housing, and vaccinations.

Whether you’re raising them for eggs, meat, or as pets, remember that responsible and respectful care is vital to their well-being.

Mateo William
Mateo William: As the CEO and Co-founder, Mateo possesses strong leadership, business planning, and PR skills. Mateo has completed his Poultry Farming Education from Auburn University. He started farming chickens when he was just a young boy, and he’s been doing it ever since.

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