Do Roosters Sit on Eggs?
Chicken Care

Do Roosters Sit on Eggs?


Have you ever seen a rooster perched atop a hay-strewn nest, guarding and protecting its eggs? Chances are the answer is no – after all, the notion of a male chicken sitting on an egg seems counterintuitive.


But why not? Sure, hens spend much time on nests tending to their eggs; however, that doesn’t mean roosters can’t get in on the fun, too!

Let’s explore some fascinating facts about this behavior that will leave you wondering why it’s unusual for these feathered friends to sit on Eggs.

Do Roosters Sit on Eggs?

Roosters are infamous for waking us up with loud, piercing crowing at dawn. However, roosters are not typically involved when it comes to laying eggs. While they may be interested in the eggs by crowding around or even pecking at them, they are not known to sit on them. It is, in fact, the hens who take on the responsibility of incubating the eggs.

They do this by continuously sitting on the eggs, keeping them warm, and ensuring they develop correctly. On the other hand, Roosters have a different role to play in the world of chickens.

They fertilize the eggs, an essential part of the breeding process. So next time you hear a rooster crowing in the morning, you can rest assured that he’s not busy sitting on eggs but playing his part in the fascinating world of chickens.

Can a rooster go broody?

No. While a hen can go broody and become fiercely protective of her eggs, roosters cannot do this. This is because they don’t have the same hormones as hens, which are necessary for them to be able to incubate their eggs successfully.

However, just because roosters cannot sit on eggs doesn’t mean they cannot show parental behavior. Roosters form close bonds with their chicks, often leading them around and playing with them. 

This is a clear example of the strong bond that can form between roosters and their chicks, even if they have no role in incubating the eggs.

Can baby chicks be with a rooster?

Yes! Once baby chicks hatch, they can be with a rooster. It’s beneficial to put them together. Roosters form close bonds with their chicks and will protect them from predators and other dangers in the environment. They are also known to watch over their flock of chicks, keeping them safe and secure as they roam around.

Overall, roosters can benefit baby chicks and their young lives. This is why it’s essential to socialize them with a rooster from the beginning; that way, they won’t be afraid of their paternal figure later in life.

Do All Chickens Have the Same Parental Instincts?

No. While some species of chickens, such as Silkies and Wyandottes, are known to have strong parental instincts, others do not have any parental behavior whatsoever. 

This is why it is essential to research the breed you are interested in before getting chickens, as this can help you understand what kind of parenting behaviors to expect from them.

Regardless of the breed, it is essential to note that roosters are not known to sit on eggs. However, they have a vital role in the reproductive process and can form strong bonds with their chicks once they are born.

So, while you may never get a chance to see a rooster perched atop its nest protecting its eggs, you can be sure that it is playing a vital role in the lives of its feathered friends.

What happens to eggs if you have a rooster?

A rooster in your flock of chickens can benefit the eggs, improving their fertility. Roosters fertilize the eggs by transferring sperm from their testicles to the hens during mating. 

This ensures that eggs are properly fertilized and have a better chance of hatching into healthy chicks.

In addition to increasing fertility, roosters also play an essential role in protecting the eggs and chicks from predators. They will often stand guard over the nest, sounding an alarm to alert the flock if any danger is near. This makes them invaluable members of a chicken’s community.


So, do roosters sit on eggs? The answer is no – the hens take responsibility for incubating the eggs. But that doesn’t mean roosters play no role in the world of chickens; they are essential for fertilizing eggs and forming strong bonds with their chicks. 

Furthermore, having a rooster can benefit your flock, as it increases the fertility of eggs and protects them and their chicks.

No matter what role a rooster plays in your flock, one thing is sure: they make fascinating members of any chicken community.

Mateo William
Mateo William: As the CEO and Co-founder, Mateo possesses strong leadership, business planning, and PR skills. Mateo has completed his Poultry Farming Education from Auburn University. He started farming chickens when he was just a young boy, and he’s been doing it ever since.

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