Do Chickens Fly?
Chicken Care

Do Chickens Fly?

It’s a question that has plagued mankind for centuries – do chickens fly? The answer, as it turns out, is a bit more complicated than you might think.


In this blog post, we will take a look at the science of chicken flight and explore some of the surprising truths about these feathered friends.

We’ll also discuss why chickens can’t fly very well and what this means for their ability to escape predators. Stay tuned – the truth is definitely stranger than fiction.

Do Chickens Fly?

It’s a common belief that chickens can’t fly, but that’s not actually true. Chickens are capable of flight, but they don’t fly very well or for very long. In the wild, chickens roost in trees, and they use their wings to glide from branch to branch.

However, they seldom flap their wings, and they can only stay in the air for short periods of time. Domestic chickens have lost much of their ability to fly because they have been bred for other traits, such as egg production or meat quality.

Over time, the genes associated with flight have been slowly removed from the chicken population, leaving us with the birds we know today.

Why can’t chickens fly very well? The main reason is that they have relatively small wings compared to their body size. This makes it difficult for them to generate enough lift to take off and stay airborne. Additionally, chickens are quite heavy relative to other birds. Their weight also contributes to their poor flying ability.

So, while chickens may not be able to soar like eagles, they do have a long and interesting history of flight.

How high can Chickens Fly?

Chickens are not known for their flying abilities, and most breeds are unable to fly more than a few feet off the ground. However, there are some chicken breeds that are more adept at flying, and these birds can reach impressive heights

The highest recorded flight of a chicken was 3001.5 feet (91+ meters) in 2014.

One of the most notorious high-flying chicken breeds is the Red junglefowl, which is thought to be the wild ancestor of the domestic chicken. These birds have been known to fly up to 10 feet in the air in order to escape predators or roost in trees.

Another high-flying chicken breed is the White Leicester, which was specifically bred for its flying ability. This breed can reach heights of up to 15 feet, making it one of the highest-flying chicken breeds in existence. So, while most chickens cannot fly very high, there are some breeds that can reach impressive altitudes.

Why do Chickens Fly?

Despite their poor flying ability, chickens do sometimes take to the air. The most common reason for this is to escape from predators. Chickens are relatively easy prey for many animals, so they have to be quick on their feet (or wings) to avoid being eaten.

Another reason chickens might fly is if they are startled by something. Chickens are very curious creatures, and they will often investigate anything that catches their attention. If they get too close to something that scares them, they might take off in a panic.

Finally, chickens sometimes fly simply because they want to. Even though they aren’t built for it, chickens enjoy being in the air and will sometimes flap their wings just for fun.

Do Chickens Fly Away?

One of the most common questions people have about chickens is whether or not they fly away. The answer to this question is no – chickens generally do not fly away from their homes. In fact, chickens are quite loyal creatures and will usually stay close to their coop or barn.

There are a few exceptions to this rule, however. If chickens are not well cared for, they may become stressed and try to escape their situation.

Additionally, if there is a predator in the area, chickens may take off in a panic and fly away from the danger. Finally, some chickens simply enjoy flying and will take any opportunity to do so, even without any specific trigger.

Which chick breeds fly the best?

There are many factors to consider when determining which chick breeds fly the best.

  • One is the aerodynamic design of the bird’s body.
  • Another is the ratio of muscle to body weight.
  • And lastly, the level of training and skill of the individual bird.

So, there are a few chick breeds that stand out as being particularly good flyers.

That’s why bantams are generally pretty decent flyers. These chickens are much smaller than regular chickens, weighing between 1-2.5 pounds, which makes flight much easier for them.

Another of the most well-known flying chicken breeds is the Yokohama. This Japanese breed was developed in the late 19th century and was originally used for exhibition purposes.

The Yokohama has a unique appearance, with long feathers that give it a streamlined look. Though they are not strong fliers, they are able to glide long distances.

The third flying chicken breed is the Indonesian Serama. This small breed is native to Indonesia and is known for its ability to fly long distances.

The Serama was originally bred for fighting, but it is now better known as a pet chicken. While not all chickens can fly, these two breeds are an exception to the rule.

Still, some full-sized breeds are also known to be pretty good at flying. Some of the breeds that can fly well include.

  • La Fleche
  • Leghorn
  • Araucana
  • Rhode Island Red
  • Spitzhaubens

Some chicken breeds that don’t fly well are Silkies, Orpingtons, Plymouth Rocks, and Australorps.

So, if you’re looking for a great flying partner, these are some of the best chick breeds

History of Chickens Flying?

The primary ancestor of the modern chicken is the red junglefowl, which is native to Sri Lanka. These birds were first domesticated in Asia at around 2000 B.C, and are known for their ability to fly – although they rarely do so in the wild.

The first recorded instance of chickens flying was in the year 1120, when a flock of chickens flew into the window of the monastery at Haghia Sophia in Constantinople. The monks were so startled by this event that they immediately began to ring the monastery bells, thinking that the end of the world was upon them. This incident was recorded in the annals of the monastery, and has since become known as the “miracle of the flying chickens.”

There are several other instances of chickens flying throughout history. In the year 1222, a chicken flew into the window of Frederick II’s palace in Italy. This event was also recorded in the palace chronicles. In the year 1485, a chicken is said to have flown into the window of King Henry VII’s castle in England.

The most famous instance of chickens flying occurred in the year 1526, when a flock of chickens flew into the Vatican in Rome. This event caused such a stir that Pope Clement VII issued a papal bull declaring that all chickens were holy creatures and were to be protected from harm.

The phenomenon of chickens flying has been reported in many parts of the world, and is generally considered to be a good omen.

Impressive Chicken Flying Facts

  • The longest registered flight of a chicken was 13 seconds
  • The furthest recorded distance was 301.5 feet
  • Chickens have a speed of 9 mph (humans 12-15mph)
  • The average lifespan of a chicken is about 10 years.
  • Present time, there are 100 breeds of chicken
  • In many cultures, the chicken is also a symbol of good luck and prosperity.


Can all breeds fly?

All the chicken breeds are descendants of wild birds that could fly, most domesticated chickens cannot.

Because, their bones are denser, and breast muscles are significantly smaller in proportion to their body size. This combination makes it difficult for them to take off and stay in the air for extended periods of time.

However, there are a few chicken breeds that have been specifically bred to retain the ability to fly. These “flying” chickens typically have large breast muscles and lighter bones, making them more aerodynamic.

While they may not be able to fly as high or as far as their wild ancestors, they can still stay in the air for short periods of time. So, while not all breeds of chicken can fly, there are a few that still have the ability to take to the skies.


We hope you enjoyed learning about the history of chickens flying and some facts about this topic! Chickens are amazing creatures and their ability to fly is just one of the things that make them so special. They, are kept by humans around the world and are used for their meat and eggs.

The chicken is also the most common bird in the world, with more than 20 billion chickens in the world. These birds are omnivorous and eat a variety of foods, but prefer seeds, insects, and other small animals.

Chickens can fly, but they do not fly very well or very far. Chickens usually only fly when they are scared or trying to escape predators. If you’re looking for a chicken breed that can still take to the skies, be sure to check out some of the “flying” breeds. Thanks for reading!

Mateo William
Mateo William: As the CEO and Co-founder, Mateo possesses strong leadership, business planning, and PR skills. Mateo has completed his Poultry Farming Education from Auburn University. He started farming chickens when he was just a young boy, and he’s been doing it ever since.

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