
How to Cull a Chick?

If you’re interested in knowing how to take care of your chickens but need help knowing where to start, we can help! Culling chicks is a vital part of poultry farming. “> By removing weaker ones, this humane method helps confirm that only healthy birds are part of your flock. In this blog post, we’ll […]

Why Do Baby Chicks Chirp

Why Do Baby Chicks Chirp?

Baby chicks are known for their adorable chirping sounds and fluffy appearance. But have you ever wondered why they chirp? What is the purpose of this loud and sometimes incessant noise? “> In this document, we will explore the reasons behind baby chicks’ chirping behavior and its significance in their development. Common Reasons Why Your […]

When Can Chicks Have Mealworms?

When Can Chicks Have Mealworms?

For many backyard chicken-keeping enthusiasts, one of the biggest questions they have when starting is: when can my chicks safely start to eat mealworms? While it’s a common practice for many to feed their chickens these tiny morsels, there are some essential things to consider before making them part of your flock’s diet.  “>   […]