Can Chickens Get Sick From The Rain?
Chicken Care

Can Chickens Get Sick From The Rain?

It’s interesting to know that even though chickens are known for their toughness, they can still be affected by wet weather. Cold and damp conditions can make them catch a chill, while rain can expose them to viruses or bacteria that can cause them to fall ill.


Protect chickens from rain to keep them healthy and happy. This article will provide information on the illnesses that can be caused by rainfall and ways to safeguard your flock from wet weather.

Can Chickens Get Sick From The Rain?

Yes, chickens can potentially get sick from being exposed to prolonged periods of rain. The dampness can lead to a condition called “coop humidity,” which creates a breeding ground for parasites and respiratory illnesses. 

Additionally, if chickens get drenched and are unable to dry off properly, they could suffer from hypothermia. Therefore, providing adequate shelter to protect them from adverse weather conditions is crucial for their health and well-being.

Rainwater can be contaminated with bacteria or chemicals, so ensure your chicken coop is in an area where the water isn’t polluted.

Is it safe for chickens to be outdoors in the rain?

Chickens can benefit from being outdoors in the rain, as they gain new nutrients and their feathers remain clean and hydrated. However, during heavy rains or storms, it is advisable to limit their time outside for safety reasons.

If your chickens are exposed to high winds or lightning, take them inside so they can stay safe. Ensure the chickens have shelter from rain, snow, and other weather.

How Wetness Affects Chicken Health

Wetness is just as important as temperature and nutrition regarding chicken health. Bacteria can cause infections and illness in chickens. Too much humidity or moisture can cause respiratory issues, mite infestations, foot diseases, etc.

Check your coop for moisture and condensation by checking walls and floors for condensation and dampness. Moisture can come from many sources, so look for signs like condensation on the walls or an overly damp floor.

The Most Effective Methods of Avoiding Disease in Damp Chickens

  • Proper Housing: Ensure the chicken coop has enough insulation to protect it from dampness. The coop should also have adequate ventilation to manage humidity levels.
  • Feeding: Chickens should be fed a balanced diet to boost their immune system and prevent illness.
  • Regular Check-ups: Regular health check-ups are essential to detect early signs of illness.
  • Vaccinations: Timely vaccinations can help prevent many poultry diseases.
  • Hygiene: Clean the coop regularly to prevent the build-up of bacteria and parasites. Remove wet bedding immediately to avoid mold formation.

Why is the chicken coop so stinky in the rain?

Chicken coops are so smelly because of wetness and humidity. The smell comes from the ammonia in the chicken’s droppings, which breaks down faster in humid environments. In comparison, there are several ways to reduce odors from chicken coops, such as regular cleanup and ventilation.

How can I protect my chickens in wet weather?

Wet weather can present challenges for maintaining your chickens’ health. Here are some essential tips to consider:

  • Proper Shelter: A sturdy, dry, and well-ventilated coop will protect your chickens from the elements and warm them up.
  • Preventive Care: Check your chickens for illnesses like lethargy, reduced egg production, or changed behavior. Prompt attention can help make sure health issues are resolved.

Give your chickens the proper care and love they need for content and healthy flock, especially when wet out.

Are Chickens Fond of Rain or Dampness?

Generally, chickens prefer to stay dry. Rain and moisture can lead to conditions like hypothermia or frostbite in colder climates. Additionally, dampness can foster the growth of harmful bacteria or fungi, causing health issues for the chickens. Thus, providing shelter from rain and wet conditions is essential for their well-being.


What to do with chickens when it rains?

When it rains, chickens naturally seek dry shelter to stay dry and warm. A secure, dry coop protects them from the elements and maintains their health and egg production.

What happens if a chick is wet?

When a chick gets wet, it becomes hypothermic and may get sick from harmful bacterial growth. Therefore, it needs to be dry and warm.

Why do chickens sit out in the rain?

Chickens can cool down in the rain, especially during hot weather—some breeds like water, like dust baths. However, they need a dry, warm shelter if the weather is cold or rainy.


Understanding and meeting the needs of your chickens during wet weather conditions is paramount for their health and well-being. Despite some perceived benefits, excessive moisture can be harmful, leading to various health problems. Hence, a well-ventilated, dry coop, regular health checks, and a balanced diet can go a long way in ensuring your chickens remain healthy and happy during the rainy season.

Mateo William
Mateo William: As the CEO and Co-founder, Mateo possesses strong leadership, business planning, and PR skills. Mateo has completed his Poultry Farming Education from Auburn University. He started farming chickens when he was just a young boy, and he’s been doing it ever since.

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